Edit a Course Run#

When you create a course run in Publisher, Studio automatically creates a URL for the course run. The course team then has two options. Edit a Course Run in Publisher#


You do not have to enter all of the required information for the course run at one time. You can return to the course run page and add information at any time before you send the course run for review.

To edit a course run, follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to Publisher.

  2. Use one of the following methods to open the page for the course run.

    • On the dashboard, select the In Development tab, and then select the course run that you want. You can identify the course run by the start date.

    • On the Courses page, select the course that you want. When the page for the course opens, under Course Runs, select the course run.

      You can identify a course run by the course run’s pacing and start date. For example, the name of a course run may be Self-paced: June 01, 2017 or June 1, 2017 - Self-paced.

  3. On the page for the course run, select Edit.

  4. Add the required information for the course run in the fields on the page.

  5. When you have made your changes, select Update Course Run.